The Small Business Marketer’s Guide to Hosting a Business Open House
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Whether your small business is fresh off the launch pad or is in a more mature place in its lifecycle, hosting a business open house is a valuable way to showcase your products and services, build awareness among your target market and open the door to new clients, networking partners and influencers.
To effectively plan and execute a business open house or grand opening event, keep the following
in mind:
Think beyond the hard sell.
Provide a taste of what you offer, and leave them wanting more. Use this opportunity to build trust and credibility so that sales and loyalty will follow. With the soft sell approach in mind, invite business and community influencers and others who can help you connect with your customer base.
Set a budget (and stick to it).
When planning an open house or grand opening event, budget enough for promotion and marketing. Small Business Trends advises small business owners to have a written budget plan for their event that include realistic cost estimates, including a breakdown of advertising costs which can absorb more than half of the budget.
Set your metrics.
Ahead of the event, it’s important to determine the ways you’ll measure your event’s ROI. According to data released by the Event Marketing Institute, the top three factors considered when measuring an event’s ROI are attendance, social media activity and number of leads.
Other measurements might include earned press placements, website traffic and direct sales.
Invest in the right marketing materials.
When considering what marketing materials to use, small business owners fare best by adopting a multi-channel approach, blending print and digital promotion to maximize reach and exposure, including:
Keep the momentum going.
Send a branded “thank you” card to all who attend your event. Personalized follow-up is a great way to further engage with your new prospects and existing customers.
Are you interested in planning a special event for your business? Contact American Speedy Printing today to help you develop a strong event marketing strategy and support materials.
Joe is passionate about helping SMBs. He’s spent the last 30+ years building the American Speedy Printing Marketing • Print • Mail brand – and sharing best practices and marketing trends with his customers. Through research, in-person visits and this blog, he hopes to engage with and empower local business owners and marketing professionals.
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